Friday, February 29, 2008

Blue Star Mothers Meeting 2/26/08

February 26, 2008

Debbie Seifert welcomed all members. The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm. Debbie Seifert led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Minutes of the January 29th meeting were posted on the website for review and approval. The Treasurer’s Report was given as follows: January balance of $902.10.

Old Business –

  1. Dues/Membership Applications – Dues in the amount of $10.00 are due and payable to our Treasurer Linda Cagle along with the new Membership Applications.
    1. Team/Committees – There were no Team Committee reports.
  2. Fundraising –
    1. Debbie Seifert is continuing with fundraising efforts by contacting local businesses. She also e-mailed Peter Max, patriotic artist, regarding soliciting one of his paintings to be used in a fundraising raffle.
    2. Certificates are being sent to those individuals and companies who have donated to BSM’s. (Jim Click, Dr. Weiss, Wild Oats Market, VFW and gentleman who donated the certificates.

New Business –

  1. Caring and Sharing Meeting – This new meeting was held at VFW Post #10188 on the second Tuesday in February in order to meet the emotional and informational needs of our Mothers, Grandmothers, etc. The next meeting will be on March 12th. Tracey Cantor from D-M will be the guest speaker and speak on Base Resources, Military One Source, Mental Health issues, etc. or contains helpful links.

  1. Catastrophic Event Fund – There was discussion on setting up a catastrophic event fund for a plant, cheese tray or whatever would be best for the family suffering the event and the amount per event. Helen Quigley made a motion, seconded by Barbara League, for the amount per event not to exceed $50.00. Motion passed.
  2. Pima County Fair – There was discussion on manning a booth at the Fair to let those military mothers, grandmothers, families, etc. in need of support know that we, the BSM’s, are here to help. The rental on a booth is 10ftx10ft is $50.00 and must be manned during Fair hours and have flyers, information packets available. If the booth is left untended for a short period of time, passersby would at least be able to pick up information of BSM/s. Vicki Payne will contact the Fair for more information on hours and to see if we could reserve a booth at “no charge” since BSM is a non-profit, service organization. A suggestion was made that we share the booth with the VFW, VFW Ladies Auxiliary and/or the FRG’s.

Barbara League made a motion, seconded by Crissie Harlan, that a committee be formed to discuss what visual aids, etc. will be needed/used if we have a booth; i.e. BSM banner, bulletin board, laptop with patriotic music and BSM website information, etc. Motion passed. Linda Cagle volunteered to set up the laptop if appropriate information is sent to her. A committee comprising Barbara League, Crissie Harlan, Debbie Miller and Debbie Seifert will meet via e-mail or in person.

This issue was tabled until the March 25th meeting when more information will be available.

ACTION: Vicki Payne will call the Pima County Fair for more information, hours, etc. on BSM’s having a booth at the Fair.

ACTION: Debbie Miller will send a group e-mail to see who would be willing to man the booth.

ACTION: Pima County Fair Committee Members meet via e-mail or in person regarding a booth at the Fair.

ACTION: Linda Cagle will set up laptop with appropriate information for Pima County Fair exhibit.

ACTION: Crissie Harlan will approach the VFW Ladies’ Auxiliary and FRG’s would like to share the booth.

  1. Air Force Reserve Unit – They will be leaving March 5th or 6th. Per Vicki, Kim Sloan would like to know if BSM’s want to team up to see them off. There was discussion on what this would involve; i.e. refreshments, games for children, etc. Vicki will obtain more information from Kim Sloan.

ACTION: Vicki Payne will contact Kim Sloan regarding deployment send-off for Air Force Reserves leaving March 5th or 6th.

  1. Care Packages – Debbie Miller still have lots of items for care packages. Crissie suggested sending a care package to the son of Sherry, a lady both Crissie and DebbierS have been in e-mail contact with. The Post Office now has a new size, one-price box (12x12x5.5) which can be sent to any military address for $10.95. Debbie S made a motion, seconded by Crissie, for BSM’s to send 4 care packages per month. Motion passed. Crissie made a motion, Vicki seconded, to send Shirley’s son a care package. Motion passed.

ACTION: Crissie will e-mail Sherry’s son’s address to Debbie Miller.

ACTION: DebbieS will e-mail Marine Mother’s website to Maria Caria and Vicki.

ACTION: Vicki will add the Marine Mother’s website to the BSM website and send the link for the BSM website to Maria Caria.

  1. Publicity – Discussion on how to inform the public about BSM. Corporate sponsorship was also discussed. No decisions were made.
  2. Easter - The Easter Eggstravaganza sponsored by the VFW Ladies Auxiliary Veteran’s and Family Support Group and led by Kim Sloan was mentioned by Crissie. The Group plans events for basically deployed soldiers but includes others. The Group meets the first Monday of each month from 6:00-7:00pm. Anyone can join and there are no dues. Suggestion was made that BSM’s might want to have a booth at the event which will be held at Reid Park on March 15th. Vicki and Linda will try to attend the next meeting.

ACTION: Vicki and Linda will attend Veteran’s and Family Support Group meeting the first Monday in March if possible.

  1. SHARING –
    1. DebbieM’s son is back in the States and will be attending flight training in Phoenix.
    2. Charli and Mike Greenlees’ son, Jason, who is in the Oregon National Guard, broke his leg March 22nd. Jason returned from Afghanistan in May 2007 and works for the National Guard in Oregon.
    3. Helen’s son may be a month late getting stateside from Afghanistan. Helen’s other son may be deployed but is supposed to be mustered out in October.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm with the Serenity Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Charli Greenlees

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